

Branch-and-Price & Column Generation for Everyone

Detailed Description

This page contains a list of all detectors which are currently available.

A detailed description what a detector does and how to add a detector to GCG can be found here.


file  dec_compgreedily.cpp
 detector compgreedily (assigns the open cons and open vars of the partialdec greedily)
file  dec_connected_noNewLinkingVars.cpp
 detector connected_noNewLinkingVars (assigns all dependent open conss and vars and completes the partialdec by bfs)
file  dec_connectedbase.cpp
 detector connectedbase (completes the partialdec by bfs)
file  dec_consclass.cpp
 detector consclass (put your description here)
file  dec_constype.cpp
 detector constype (put your description here)
file  dec_dbscan.cpp
 detector DBSCAN
file  dec_densemasterconss.cpp
 detector densemasterconss (put your description here)
file  dec_generalmastersetcover.cpp
 detector for set covering constraints
file  dec_generalmastersetpack.cpp
 detector for set packing constraints
file  dec_generalmastersetpart.cpp
 detector for set partitioning constraints
file  dec_hcgpartition.cpp
 arrowhead and bordered detector via graph partitioning (uses hmetis)
file  dec_hrcgpartition.cpp
 arrowhead and bordered detector via graph partitioning (uses hmetis)
file  dec_hrgpartition.cpp
 arrowhead and bordered detector via graph partitioning (uses hmetis)
file  dec_isomorph.cpp
 detector for pricing problems that can be aggregated (uses bliss)
file  dec_mastersetcover.cpp
 detector mastersetcover (sets setcovering and logicor constraint to master)
file  dec_mastersetpack.cpp
 detector mastersetpack (sets setpacking constraints to master)
file  dec_mastersetpart.cpp
 detector mastersetpart (set setpartitioning constraints to master)
file  dec_mst.cpp
 minimum spanning tree clustering detector
file  dec_neighborhoodmaster.cpp
 detector neighborhoodmaster (This detector calculates cons-cons adjacency (if not already done), sorts constraints according size of neighborhood. Searching two consecutive constraints with largest size difference (according neighborhood size) in sorted constraints. All constraints having a larger neighborhood than the second one are assigned to the master)
file  dec_postprocess.cpp
 checks if there are master constraints that can be assigned to one block (without any other changes)
file  dec_staircase_lsp.cpp
 detector for staircase_lsp matrices
file  dec_stairheur.cpp
 detector for staircase structures via ROC algorithms
file  dec_varclass.cpp
 detector varclass