Our regular course offering at a glance
Current Term – Winter 2023/24
Column Generation und Branch-and-Price
- Lecturer: Marco Lübbecke
- Typ:lectures
- Languagegerman or english
Indispensible: Solid knowledge in linear/integer optimization from the courses "quantitative methods" and "operations research 1" (BWL) or "efficient algorithms" (CS) or "integer linear optimization" (maths), i.e., in particular you master duality, branch-and-bound, and modeling with integer programs.
State of the art in models and algorithms to solve extremely large-scale and complex optimization problems, in particular column generation and branch-and-price: structued integer programs, Dantzig-Wolfe reformulation, Lagrange relaxation, cutting planes in connection with column generation, branching rules, stabilization technqiues, implementation tricks, practical applications
Learning Goals
The students aquire basic and advanced skills in modelling very large-scale and practical optimization problems, as well as the algorithmic thinking to solve such models using decomposition approaches. By working on practical implementation exercises, these algorithms shall be actually applied and the basic implementation of a column generation approach will be learned. Students will be enabled to read scientific publications at the current level of scientific knowledge and transfer this knowledge to practical modeling situations.
Operations Research 1
- Lecturer: Marco Lübbecke
- Hermann von Westerholt
- Typ:lectures
- Languageenglish
- Contact:or1@or.rwth-aachen.de
Basic knowledge in linear optimization and graph algorithms, in particular modeling with networks (minimum cost flows, shortest paths) and linear programs. If missing, this background must be acquired before or simultaneously to the course.
1. Modeling with integer linear programs: assignment problems, knapsack problem, faclity location, machine scheduling, traveling salesperson problem, vehicle routing, set partitioning, bin packing, cutting stock, logical constraints; 2. algorithms for solving integer programs: branch-and-bound, cutting planes, branch-and-cut, dynamic programming; 3. basics of heuristics and meta heuristics (construction and improvement heuristics, greedy algorithm, local search, simulated annealing, tabu search, evolutionary and genetic algorithms); 4. particular modeling situations like soft constraints, non-linearities, heuristic modeling; introduction to computational complexity theory
Learnig Goals
Students learn modeling techniques and methods of integer optimization, in particular their use cases and limitations. Students aquire the ability to identify the mathematical core of a practical optmization task and to exploit problem structure when selecting/developing a model or selecting an algorithm. The theoretical knowledge is deepened using practical exercises with standard software (currently Gurobi/Python). We generally sharpen abstraction capabilities.
Videos from winter term WS17/18 are here.
OR Praktikum
- Lecturer: Marco Lübbecke
- Elisabeth Rodriguez-Heck
- Typ:Practice Project
- Languagegerman
- Lecturer: Marco Lübbecke
- Typ:seminar
- Languagegerman
Next Term – Summer 2024
Operations Research 2 every summer term
- Lecturer: Marco Lübbecke
- Typ:lectures
- Languagegerman or english
- Turnus: every summer term
OR Praktikum every term
- Lecturer: Marco Lübbecke
- Typ:Practice Project
- Languagegerman
- Turnus: every term
Praktische Optimierung mit Modellierungssprachen every summer term
- Lecturer: Marco Lübbecke
- Typ:lectures and exercises
- Languagegerman or english
- Turnus: every summer term
Quantitative Methoden / Einführung in OR every summer term
- Lecturer: Marco Lübbecke
- Typ:lectures
- Languagegerman
- Turnus: every summer term
Seminar irregularly
- Lecturer: Marco Lübbecke
- Typ:seminar
- Languagegerman
- Turnus: irregularly
Entire List of Courses we offer
Approximationsalgorithmen irregularly
- Lecturer: Marco Lübbecke
- Typ:lectures and exercises
- Languagegerman or english
Column Generation und Branch-and-Price every winter term
- Lecturer: Marco Lübbecke
- Typ:lectures
- Languagegerman or english
Indispensible: Solid knowledge in linear/integer optimization from the courses "quantitative methods" and "operations research 1" (BWL) or "efficient algorithms" (CS) or "integer linear optimization" (maths), i.e., in particular you master duality, branch-and-bound, and modeling with integer programs.
State of the art in models and algorithms to solve extremely large-scale and complex optimization problems, in particular column generation and branch-and-price: structued integer programs, Dantzig-Wolfe reformulation, Lagrange relaxation, cutting planes in connection with column generation, branching rules, stabilization technqiues, implementation tricks, practical applications
Learning Goals
The students aquire basic and advanced skills in modelling very large-scale and practical optimization problems, as well as the algorithmic thinking to solve such models using decomposition approaches. By working on practical implementation exercises, these algorithms shall be actually applied and the basic implementation of a column generation approach will be learned. Students will be enabled to read scientific publications at the current level of scientific knowledge and transfer this knowledge to practical modeling situations.
Ganzzahlige Lineare Optimierung unregelmäßig
Operations Research 1 every winter term
- Lecturer: Marco Lübbecke
- Typ:lectures
- Languageenglish
Basic knowledge in linear optimization and graph algorithms, in particular modeling with networks (minimum cost flows, shortest paths) and linear programs. If missing, this background must be acquired before or simultaneously to the course.
1. Modeling with integer linear programs: assignment problems, knapsack problem, faclity location, machine scheduling, traveling salesperson problem, vehicle routing, set partitioning, bin packing, cutting stock, logical constraints; 2. algorithms for solving integer programs: branch-and-bound, cutting planes, branch-and-cut, dynamic programming; 3. basics of heuristics and meta heuristics (construction and improvement heuristics, greedy algorithm, local search, simulated annealing, tabu search, evolutionary and genetic algorithms); 4. particular modeling situations like soft constraints, non-linearities, heuristic modeling; introduction to computational complexity theory
Learnig Goals
Students learn modeling techniques and methods of integer optimization, in particular their use cases and limitations. Students aquire the ability to identify the mathematical core of a practical optmization task and to exploit problem structure when selecting/developing a model or selecting an algorithm. The theoretical knowledge is deepened using practical exercises with standard software (currently Gurobi/Python). We generally sharpen abstraction capabilities.
Videos from winter term WS17/18 are here.
Operations Research 2 every summer term
- Lecturer: Marco Lübbecke
- Typ:lectures
- Languagegerman or english
OR Praktikum every term
- Lecturer: Marco Lübbecke
- Typ:Practice Project
- Languagegerman
Praktische Optimierung mit Modellierungssprachen every summer term
- Lecturer: Marco Lübbecke
- Typ:lectures and exercises
- Languagegerman or english
Polyedrische Kombinatorik currently not offered
- Lecturer: Matthias Walter
- Typ:lectures
- Languagegerman
Programmieren, Algorithmen, Datenstrukturen no longer offered
This course is no longer offered. Please participate in the courses offered by the computer science department, like basics in programming ("for everyone") and algorithms and data structures.
Proseminar irregularly
- Lecturer: Marco Lübbecke
- Typ:proseminar
- Languagegerman or english
Quantitative Methoden / Einführung in OR every summer term
- Lecturer: Marco Lübbecke
- Typ:lectures
- Languagegerman
Seminar irregularly
- Lecturer: Marco Lübbecke
- Typ:seminar
- Languagegerman